Friday, February 29, 2008

Find Me In Hell, Second Door On The Right

Wow.  I can't believe today actually happened.  Today at lunch, I told my friend Taylor to ask Jordan if he knew me.  His girlfriend Isabel (not me) was there, and when Taylor asked, Isabel answered instead of Jordan.  "Ew, no, he doesn't.  Jordan's my boyfriend, tell her to get away," she said.  Jordan said, "Yeah, I know her."
Now Isabel is going to hunt me down and kill me.  I know it.  So my friends have to be my bodyguards now.  It's a little scary, actually.  And I know I totally messed up between Jordan and me, so he prolly never wants to speak to me again.
If you love the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, go to  It's a Role Playing Game, and so cool.  If you want to know, I'm ADarkAngel on it, so look for me!  See ya there!

-Isabelle, running from Isabel (heh heh that sounds cool)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just searching google for the twilight Coven...

I'm one of the joint owners and I was really amazed and pleased that someone had advertised it on their site...

So thanks ^.^