Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

Yes, the time of candy and ghosts and ghouls and all that stuff has finally arrived. Tonight, I will be out with my best buds, R and JMac. And we will have the time of our lives.
OMG, Jordan has a butt the size of Texas. If you are reading this, Jordan, no offense or whatever, because I'm pretty sure you butt is nice and all, but seriously, what have you been eating lately? Or do big butts just run in the family? Uh, yeah, lets stop talking about your Texas-sized butt now... He said hi to me on the bus today! He really did. And when he said it, he smiled, which made me feel all gooey inside, and then he told Raymond that I didn't scare him!!! Whooppee!! Mabe there is a chance with him after all!
Amber is still on my bad side, as is Trinkoff, Daniel, Scott, etc. All those b*st*rds. Not Amber. She's still my friend, I'm just mad with her for giving that note to Trinkoff. I mean, here's some of the stuff I said on this note:
-He's a blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel
-I wish I knew his last name
And other things that basically said I think Jordan is hot. I acually said he's as hot as the sun on the note. Cheesy-extroardinaire. Then Trinkoff puts a bunch of stuff on it that makes me look like a whore. And I'm not. I don't wanna have sex with the guy or anything. Just go out with him.
-Halloween is awesome,

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Future Calls

Hey. My friend Amber, she RUINED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I was writing on a peice of paper what I thought about Jordan, who came here from Planet Hottie, and I put all this cheesy stuff on it, right? Then Amber gave the paper to Jordan's friends! How low can she get? I thought she was my friend. So now his friends make fun of me every chance I get.
Ooh-er, Jordan looks so hot with a hat on! I almost died looking at him today. Not that I did it much. Just when we got on the bus. Everone thinks he looks like a dog's ass, but I will always be true! Boy, that was cheesy.
You know who else is really hot? Jake from Syncsta on Youtube. Check him out sometime. One of Jordan's friends is a real perv. He was all like, "Ohyeah, Jordan wants to get you in bed, sweetie!" And other rude things about dropping pants and mini skirts. Ugh, he's in my band class. And he is totally FREAKY!!
I wonder when JMac's dance is? I can't wait to see Casey, if he's there. Maybe I'll ask him to slow dance with me. And maybe he'll say yes. Wah-hoo!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Jordan, you know who you are, and if you are reading this, I WANT TO EAT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO HOT TO BE ALIVE. There we go. Oh, and I'm not the Isabel who is all happy joking around with you. I'm the girl who always stares at you on the bus and at lunch. Don't call me Isabel, because that is not my real name. Ask your Isabel who I am. Are you going out with her, by the way? Because if you are available, I WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU REALLY BADLY. And then I'll eat you. Like a praying mantis. Or a black widow spider.
Okay. JMac, you must get your butt over here! Holloween is coming up, and you have to go trick-or-treating with me. I'll be the flapper from the 1920's. Fringe dress, here I come!