Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hey Peeps

It is very hard to write in white, so mainly my posts will be in red from now on. Anyway, I'm reading this book called Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books. It's okay. I mean, it's nothing compared to Twilight and New Moon, and hopefully Eclipse which comes out in eleven days! Yay!
My brother comes tomorrow. For the sake of him, I will call him Brother here. My friends are JMac, R, Sofa, Populaire, Zakky, and other things I come up with. Those aren't their real names of course, just ones I made up to protect them. I mean, some pervert guy could be on here reading it. Note: if you are a pervert, please leave this site at once. You will get no info from me, and if you do, it will be fake. So go find some other site to bother.
Well, I better go.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My little sister just hit her head on my mouth, and now there is blood everywhere. Yuk.


How dare she kill Lupin and Tonks!
Anyway, life is pretty same old, same old. Nothing new. Except I wish my bestest bud would come over (that means you, JMac) for a sleepover. But besides that...
And I forgot to tell you, I'm busier during the summer then the rest of the year. Crazy, isn't it? I could not believe it myself. Plus, in a week and two days I'm on vacation! And in about two weeks, the long awaited book Eclipse comes out! By Stephenie Meyer! Yippee!
I promise that next post will not be so colorful. It's just...well...I'll keep it white. Sometimes red. Like this: white or red.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Movie Time!

I just finished watching Blood and Chocolate. It was pretty good, just too much kissing. It's not that I mind kissing, it just makes me feel weird. I guess that it's because I don't have a boyfriend, and I really wish that I did.
What do you care? You're probably just reading this because there's nothing else to do.
Whatever. So I'm on page 504 with the Harry Potter book. At last, it gets a bit interesting. And no, that does not mean I like it. It just means it's okay. Don't you dare think I like it, don't you dare!!!!!
Sorry, sometimes I go a little spazzy. That reminds me of this guy I use to like. He was hot, but he was a total spaz. I called him Cazz the Spazz. But he was older than me, so my crush was killed early. Then there was Dan. He plays drums in my band. I liked him too, until he told my friend she was annoying. I finally saw the light in that.
My cat is making strange noises in his litter box. Plus, the fridge is open. Better go close it.
Okay, I'm back. Actually, this is running a little long. Better go.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

The First Post

Hey all my adoring fans out there! One day, you will see me on the big screen!
So, today I bought the seventh Harry Potter book. I wasn't going to, but I realized "After reading the other six, not reading the seventh would just make reading the others a big waste of time". So, yes, I have started it. But before you start accusing me of being a big Harry Potter fan, I just want to say it is very hard to concentrate on a 759 page book when you don't want to!!! There. Now it's out.
I will admit that the book is much too detailed, and I wish it were not so. That only makes it harder to concentrate.
Moving on.
I am a night person, and will probably not go to bed for another...five hours or so, as it is 9:45 p.m. now, so I will tell you what I am going to be doing until then. 1. Finishing this blog. 2. Writing more in my journal so I may finish my current story, which I will tell you about later. 3. Trying very hard to concentrate on wizards, wands, and death.
I know my life is very boring, but this is only my first post after all. It will get better, good people of Earth.
Yes, I am currently writing a short story. It is titled "Winter." In it, the element of winter falls in love with a peasant girl, Lacey. She ran away from her mother and stepfather with her little three-year-old sister, Eliza. I'm working on page fifteen, and sometime or other I'll post a bit of it here for you to read.

But now, I'm off.